Make sure you check out the Children & Teen artwork on exhibit at the Baum School of Art until April 15th! Artwork from a wide variety of ages and mediums will be on display in the galleries at the school. The event is open to the public and there is an Open House & Awards Presentation on 4/15. 

I am excited because my Digital Photography students ages 11-15 have photographs in this exhibit and this is a great opportunity for the community to come see what these kids have been creating! 

My next Digital Photography session for kids is starting on April 30th, and the Darkroom session is starting on May 5th! This is a fun way for kids to learn about film photography and/or digital photography in a great classroom environment with access to a real darkroom and computers with Adobe software. To reserve your child's spot register here! 




I often get a lot of questions from friends, acquaintances, and clients about digital photography. Many times this comes in the form of "I have this camera but..." and "How do you get that look?" or "How would you photograph this?" 

People will tell me they love photography but just don't know where to begin and that it feels overwhelming to them. In other cases a friend will share with me that they received a camera as a gift but are unsure how to make the most of the equipment they've been given. In every case I try to help them because I feel that photography is an important part of documenting life and in whatever way they feel they want to apply that tool, I want to provide encouragement. 

So I am pretty excited to share that I have a Digital Photography class available this spring for adults! If you want to take beautiful photos of your family this summer, learn how to use that digital camera you received as a gift, or take your love of photography to a new you can! My Digital Photography Course is at the art school and classes start at the end of April! Here is an excerpt about the course:

Fundamental digital photographic techniques will be demonstrated and explored using a DSLR camera and Adobe Photoshop. Students will learn the basics of digital photography which include selecting digital equipment, camera operation, lighting and creating composition.  Through the use of Adobe Photoshop, students will learn to organize, edit and optimize images to create finished work.

I help students understand the importance of lighting when photographing a subject, offer my tips and tricks for taking portraits and working with people, as well as techniques they can immediately apply to their photography to improve their images. Classes are fun, relaxed, and located at the art school with access to a computer lab with Adobe Photoshop software. This course is scheduled from the end of April through the middle of June. You will learn in a creative environment and have the opportunity to build on your skills each week. To register or learn more about the course visit:




For additional information/questions, contact me


Digital & Darkroom Photography Classes for Children & Teens

My Darkroom and Digital photography classes start again next week at The Baum School of Art! To learn more about the fun things we teach and to register a spot for your family member today, click here! Looking forward to another great session of creativity and beautiful photographs!
