Summer Photography - Tips for Your Best Photos

Summer is a great time to get out and explore nature or even to take the family out on a hike. Once you decide on your adventure du jour, you may want to consider bringing your camera along as well! Here are a few of my favorite tips for summer photos:

Photograph your family in the morning or late afternoon before sunset. You will have more flattering light and avoid the bright harsh tones of the sun during mid-day. Not only that but you will avoid the hottest temperatures of the day! Don't forget, sunrise and sunset photos can be colorful and visually stunning!

Going to a water park? Take a disposable water-proof camera, or better yet scope out new point and shoot models that have water resistant features.

Hiking with the family can be a lot of fun. Check out this article from Outdoor Photographer on using long lenses in the summer to capture amazing photographs of animals!

Take your time! If you are feeling tired in the heat (today is a humid 90 degree day for example) stop and take a break. Sometimes the best finds are things you would have passed by otherwise. I snapped this photo during a break on a previous hike at Hawk Mountain, and it is one of my favorite shots from that day.

And finally... have fun!

